Wednesday, July 21, 2021


JAMISON: --bitten off a little more than I can chew... (A.P. doesn’t respond ) Okay. Let’s be honest. It’s really... none of your business.

A.P.: Careful.

JAMISON: It really, really isn’t. And I’m sorry -- because I asked. I know. But... (a slight smile at the irony) it really isn’t.


I think I must’ve said sorry somewhere along the way. I must’ve. But I fucked up and said it out loud. And once you say something like that, the universe tends to push back on you, just to see if you will sit down where you stood up. That’s why I say fight.




I said sorry, and now this is my test. This is my test... THIS IS MY TEST! You! How does it feel?


How does what feel?”


How does it feel to be apart of something bigger than you are? For once in your sad little, pathetic fucking life, you are serving a bigger purpose! How does that feel?


You didn’t laugh. What’s wrong?


Maybe it wasn’t funny.


That’s not her name. Blue --


Well, that’s not her name either. Do you even know her name?

JAMISON: Afterwards, as I waited for the train, standing on the

train platform, I straddled the yellow caution line, right at the edge, and I stared down into the third rail. And I wondered how much it would hurt.

You can worry about the babies and the fools. But not to draw attention away from yourself. God only protects babies and fools, right?



Do you know what time you were born? Probably not, huh?






Yeah. I’m not a monster, created in some dungeon somewhere. I’m a human being. I have a mother. And a father.


Oh my, LORD. Shut up, Jameson! You are such a little girl!

(doubling over laughing)

Crying a fucking river. People ask these questions, you do know that, don’t you? How old are you? What’s your name? Who are you? Do you even know? What happened to Jameson Hart?


Does she make you a better person?


Why won’t you just listen to me?


Because you only ever speak in fucking questions! You’re never forthright!




Can’t ever just come the fuck out and say it! Always gotta run around in fucking circles, around and around. Unnecessary, dog. You’re --


You’re unnecessary.


You think you’re learning something! But you’re not! You just do the same thing -- make the same mistake ALL OVER AGAIN -- and you think it looks prettier because you want it to look that way. But I see it, too, J. Because we’re not getting any younger. And it’s getting fucking sad. You can’t look at yourself in the mirror everyday and forget who you are... That’s just not -- you   know... who you are. Even if you don’t know it yet.



The goal is New York City.


Then do it.


I am.


Alright, then, why are you are here?


Wake up. You have to wake up!

Maybe you just need a wake up call. Maybe we were, the three of us, the eyes, the heart and the soul of this place, this city, the Prince, Whatever. Maybe you were the constant bearer of the burden, waiting to pour it out, waiting for just the right moment to pour the contents of your urn back into the well, and daydreaming in the skies above you all along. Maybe I’m just a stupid cub who thinks I’m a lion, just wanting so badly to shake the magnificent mane, that I won’t let the bad be bad because I have to be so perfect. And maybe he --

No, you stop! Stop all this shit, like he’s gone and never coming back. Maybe he was a foolish bull, beautiful and moving too damn slow for his own good. Maybe we’re really stupid. Feeling too much, beating too much, seeing too much. But we can get through this if we get through it together! Right? Am I right? Are you hearing me?

Yeah, you did. You know you did, so don’t make lying worse by knowing. You knew exactly what you were doing.

I wasn’t sure. I just wanted to be clear. She just, whenever she said his name, it sounded different than the way she would say mine, so I just wanted to know. I needed her to tell me what to do, in case of an emergency.


I thought I’d dodged it. I thought we were in the clear.


You knew.


I didn’t know for sure.

Tuesday, July 20, 2021



But you knew.


I knew... that she still had feelings for him. Yes. I knew.


That’s the problem with being the perfect man. That can’t just be enough. You want this perfect life with this perfect girl, and her perfect baby, and her perfect set of suitable dilemmas, but you will never find that until you find yourself. You never think about the way that things you do and the tragedies you feel affect the people you don’t know anymore. Well, now you do.


What are you saying?


I’m not saying anything.


No, what are you saying? I don’t get it.


Current Management Priorities / Roster

Copyright © July 2017

Corporate alignment and mission statement

How we do what we do.

I. Business plan

II. Marketing terms and strategy

III. Project proposal and guidelines

IV. Artist portfolio / examples

V. Sponsorship goals

1.            Our services.

2.            Locations and venues.

3.            Artists involvement.


1.            Representation Ask Letters. (Sponsorship Letters)

2.            Current showcases / functions include. (Current Work and Events)

3.            ALR_Demarcations. (sponsored by the Massachusetts Cultural Council.)

4.            Our archival team, commission based. (Documentation)


 5.            Potential collaborators. (Friends of JeriRose.)

6.            _Carbon. (Event Coordination)

7.            FAQ. (Definition of terms and description of process.

(Manufacturing the webpage) ‘We have no one else.’

Membership and Company Policies.

‘_Uno.’, (uno isn’t listed anywhere else) as our premiere Lifestyle Function, (Our premiere Lifestyle Function, Uno,) will be our opening night and closing Symposium Showcase, bringing the journey of ‘Tale’ full circle,(.) in its’ beginnings and finality – before it moves on into the next leg of its production incarnation. Our goal is to work hand in hand with The Phillips Brooks House Association, (and) in alignment with Harvard University and The American Reparatory Theater to carry Tale (If you’re putting “” around Tale make sure you are consistent) out onto (on) the road (maybe find a different word for road since you’re using it below) , and turning it into a nationally syndicated road show. We also hope that all Union | Avenue featured projects will continue this, if not a similar trajectory.

While hosting a reading of ‘Tale’ at the 2015 Jamaica Plain Open Studios, I was privileged enough to witness a young artist as she hosted an interactive talk back session, in house, at the Northeastern University funded AAMARP studios. The approach and draw of qualifying audience opinion, breaking the fourth wall entirely and inviting an audience, member by member into a safe space to explore their experience on their own terms – I found this fascinating. (<-reword this sentence it’s confusing) Using the mechanisms of live segmented interview (<-I think you can take this out and start the sentence with I’m hoping to achieve), I’m hoping to achieve something similar to this experience with the Union | Avenue ‘Forum’: (, by archiving) archiving the testimonies of our event goers and participants in new and (and creating) innovative ways that will always keep them guessing and always keep them coming back for more!


Title? Using titles to break up the proposal instead of the links/lists will make everything flow

Our collaboration goal is in the effort to gain the attention of the Pro-Arts Consortium, and hopefully to work with them in hosting regular functions and community fundraisers. Visit their website to learn more. ( re word this sentence and write out any pertinent information…don’t make the reader do the work. You can always say further information is available on their website


For our first hosted function, ‘_Dos,’ we plan to coordinate and collaborate with local and upstart brand One.Gig Skateshop, located at 1 Bromfield Street in Downtown, Boston ( The Catered Affair provides a professional and malleable atmosphere to any dining setting. We hope to work with them in bringing our functions to life and in maintaining a continued working relationship in the future. (<- previous two sentences need to be reworked The Catered Affair comes out of no where) In order to maintain our local networking efforts, we plan to go to local breweries and product manufactures (to request) requesting their sponsorship to (do you want them to host or 



are you hosting - unclear) host tastings. Companies like Samuel Adams and BRIX have maintained staying power within their respective communities while continuing to bridge throughout the city and non-local markets. These are precisely the kind of brands that Union|Avenue (be consistent with formatting – should this be bold) hopes to work and grow with. Visit their websites to learn more: and (again put links as a separate section)

For ‘_Dos,’ specifically, we are hoping to host a medley of food and sustenance options. Because the focus is on the Afro-Caribbean, we hope to bring in community restaurants like P&R in Dudley, Teranga on Washington Street, Flames in Roxbury and Brigham Circle, as well as resourcing Blue Hill Avenue for its bevy of multi-cultural food options. Visit their websites for more information: (shorten paragraph – maybe don’t’ say where each place is but say local restaurants like…and list)

Our approach to staffing plays along with our approach to innovation (innovative) production: Union | Avenue hopes to employ six attendees/floaters, 4 servers/bartenders with exclusive access to a full bar and banquet style dining (why is this italicized). Guests and VIPS are encouraged to make their food orders at the entrance of the venue and their requests and drink fills are regularly fulfilled for them during their time spent. Live performances and openers are scheduled throughout the beginning hour of the event, and a half an hour is allotted to our featured Salsa band and singer. Vendor stations are open for sales throughout.

Close to an hour and a half into the event, servers and bartender and servers are prompted to remove their catering attire, and launch directly (into a performance of) rehearsed and choreographed performances of ‘The Tale of a Lonely Recluse,’ approaching the stage from within the audience. Guests and VIPS are encouraged to continue enjoying themselves and are even permitted walked directly through the stage performances, to maintain the organic and unique quality of the work.

This approach is, again, new, and our actors and collaborators are as open to its experimentation and improvisational matter as our audience. We hope to see you there! (<-move to the end)

Preceding the event, we hope that in our accrued interest, Union | Avenue will be able to host a short calendar with Hibernian Hall theater, just up the street in Dudley, and from there we hope to premiere the featured piece ‘The Tale of a Lonely Recluse’ in collaboration with DSNI and The Strand Theater. For more information, visit their sites at (

  2. (
  3. (don’t make the reader do the work – include any important info and put links separately)






JeriRose, Management, CHO.

I’m in the process of putting together an event planning team who shares my views and perspectives, and we plan to work diligently to bring you a great time. I would reword this sentence (the first step in bringing this project to life was putting together an event team who shared my views and perspectives) something like that. Then I’d give information about the two names listed below (what are their rolls, where do they work, what do they do, etc.)


We (are still building our team) want to add your name to list to! To send (share) any insight, inquiries, or be a part of this project please email  and resumes, feel free to email for more information. I would move this comment to the end – if you’re looking for people to add to the team, reword this so that you can have a comment about joining you here and then the questions, comments or concerns at the end of the proposal.

A bit of history on the project (or some title to let them know what is coming)

I began work on ‘The Tale of a Lonely Recluse,’ entirely out of personal necessity – I sought (was seeking) a closure project. My time spent in the world seeking the new (,) inevitably let me back home, the city of my beginnings, to Boston, the city of my beginnings,(.) and I felt compelled to tell her story(,) as well as my own.

It began (choose a different word for began) as a story about an inner-city boy who wants more than anything to know ‘art’, and become a modern day rock opera (does the boy want to become a modern day rock opera? Wording is confusing). How, I cannot tell you, but ‘The Maze’ (this is the first time you’ve mentioned The Maze…what is it?) and its habitants have become a part of my blood stream, if they ever were not before. The music: jazz, alternative and blues, spans the ages, and I am honored to act as a vessel for these new stories, in tune.


So far ‘Tale’ has gone through several incarnations, having been hosted for a one day preliminary reading with Company One Theater in Boston’s South End, as well as a lab workshop with The Wellfleet Harbor Actor’s Theater. I’ve been honored to know some of the most incredible actors of our time, and been even more honored to call them my friends. In 2012, several alumni of The Boston Arts Academy came together to form a small arts production non-profit called TheNPLAP Incorporated, and we were blessed enough to workshop several scenes and a full read through via the org as well (<-this sentence is a bit confusing, are you part of the NPLAP? Or did you workshop with them?). It’s (Its) president and director(,) Alexander Castillo-Nunez(,) is currently an area director for the Massachusetts State House. I am happy to still be a member and presiding founder of 


JAMISON: --bitten off a little more than I can chew... (A.P. doesn’t respond ) Okay. Let’s be honest. It’s really... none of your business....