Tuesday, July 20, 2021



are you hosting - unclear) host tastings. Companies like Samuel Adams and BRIX have maintained staying power within their respective communities while continuing to bridge throughout the city and non-local markets. These are precisely the kind of brands that Union|Avenue (be consistent with formatting – should this be bold) hopes to work and grow with. Visit their websites to learn more: http://www.thecateredaffair.com/bpl/ and http://www.brixwineshop.com/ (again put links as a separate section)

For ‘_Dos,’ specifically, we are hoping to host a medley of food and sustenance options. Because the focus is on the Afro-Caribbean, we hope to bring in community restaurants like P&R in Dudley, Teranga on Washington Street, Flames in Roxbury and Brigham Circle, as well as resourcing Blue Hill Avenue for its bevy of multi-cultural food options. Visit their websites for more information: http://terangaboston.com/ (shorten paragraph – maybe don’t’ say where each place is but say local restaurants like…and list)

Our approach to staffing plays along with our approach to innovation (innovative) production: Union | Avenue hopes to employ six attendees/floaters, 4 servers/bartenders with exclusive access to a full bar and banquet style dining (why is this italicized). Guests and VIPS are encouraged to make their food orders at the entrance of the venue and their requests and drink fills are regularly fulfilled for them during their time spent. Live performances and openers are scheduled throughout the beginning hour of the event, and a half an hour is allotted to our featured Salsa band and singer. Vendor stations are open for sales throughout.

Close to an hour and a half into the event, servers and bartender and servers are prompted to remove their catering attire, and launch directly (into a performance of) rehearsed and choreographed performances of ‘The Tale of a Lonely Recluse,’ approaching the stage from within the audience. Guests and VIPS are encouraged to continue enjoying themselves and are even permitted walked directly through the stage performances, to maintain the organic and unique quality of the work.

This approach is, again, new, and our actors and collaborators are as open to its experimentation and improvisational matter as our audience. We hope to see you there! (<-move to the end)

Preceding the event, we hope that in our accrued interest, Union | Avenue will be able to host a short calendar with Hibernian Hall theater, just up the street in Dudley, and from there we hope to premiere the featured piece ‘The Tale of a Lonely Recluse’ in collaboration with DSNI and The Strand Theater. For more information, visit their sites at (http://www.madison-park.org/what-we-do/arts-culture/hibernian-hall/)

  1. http://www.dsni.org/)
  2. (https://www.boston.gov/municipal-buildings/strand-theatre)
  3. (don’t make the reader do the work – include any important info and put links separately)



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JAMISON: --bitten off a little more than I can chew... (A.P. doesn’t respond ) Okay. Let’s be honest. It’s really... none of your business....