Tuesday, July 20, 2021


 5.            Potential collaborators. (Friends of JeriRose.)

6.            _Carbon. (Event Coordination)

7.            FAQ. (Definition of terms and description of process.

(Manufacturing the webpage) ‘We have no one else.’

Membership and Company Policies.

‘_Uno.’, (uno isn’t listed anywhere else) as our premiere Lifestyle Function, (Our premiere Lifestyle Function, Uno,) will be our opening night and closing Symposium Showcase, bringing the journey of ‘Tale’ full circle,(.) in its’ beginnings and finality – before it moves on into the next leg of its production incarnation. Our goal is to work hand in hand with The Phillips Brooks House Association, (and) in alignment with Harvard University and The American Reparatory Theater to carry Tale (If you’re putting “” around Tale make sure you are consistent) out onto (on) the road (maybe find a different word for road since you’re using it below) , and turning it into a nationally syndicated road show. We also hope that all Union | Avenue featured projects will continue this, if not a similar trajectory.

While hosting a reading of ‘Tale’ at the 2015 Jamaica Plain Open Studios, I was privileged enough to witness a young artist as she hosted an interactive talk back session, in house, at the Northeastern University funded AAMARP studios. The approach and draw of qualifying audience opinion, breaking the fourth wall entirely and inviting an audience, member by member into a safe space to explore their experience on their own terms – I found this fascinating. (<-reword this sentence it’s confusing) Using the mechanisms of live segmented interview (<-I think you can take this out and start the sentence with I’m hoping to achieve), I’m hoping to achieve something similar to this experience with the Union | Avenue ‘Forum’: (, by archiving) archiving the testimonies of our event goers and participants in new and (and creating) innovative ways that will always keep them guessing and always keep them coming back for more!


Title? Using titles to break up the proposal instead of the links/lists will make everything flow

Our collaboration goal is in the effort to gain the attention of the Pro-Arts Consortium, and hopefully to work with them in hosting regular functions and community fundraisers. Visit their website to learn more. (http://www.proarts.org/) re word this sentence and write out any pertinent information…don’t make the reader do the work. You can always say further information is available on their website


For our first hosted function, ‘_Dos,’ we plan to coordinate and collaborate with local and upstart brand One.Gig Skateshop, located at 1 Bromfield Street in Downtown, Boston (http://onegigco.com/) The Catered Affair provides a professional and malleable atmosphere to any dining setting. We hope to work with them in bringing our functions to life and in maintaining a continued working relationship in the future. (<- previous two sentences need to be reworked The Catered Affair comes out of no where) In order to maintain our local networking efforts, we plan to go to local breweries and product manufactures (to request) requesting their sponsorship to (do you want them to host or 

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JAMISON: --bitten off a little more than I can chew... (A.P. doesn’t respond ) Okay. Let’s be honest. It’s really... none of your business....