Wednesday, July 21, 2021


JAMISON: --bitten off a little more than I can chew... (A.P. doesn’t respond ) Okay. Let’s be honest. It’s really... none of your business.

A.P.: Careful.

JAMISON: It really, really isn’t. And I’m sorry -- because I asked. I know. But... (a slight smile at the irony) it really isn’t.


I think I must’ve said sorry somewhere along the way. I must’ve. But I fucked up and said it out loud. And once you say something like that, the universe tends to push back on you, just to see if you will sit down where you stood up. That’s why I say fight.




I said sorry, and now this is my test. This is my test... THIS IS MY TEST! You! How does it feel?


How does what feel?”


How does it feel to be apart of something bigger than you are? For once in your sad little, pathetic fucking life, you are serving a bigger purpose! How does that feel?


You didn’t laugh. What’s wrong?


Maybe it wasn’t funny.


That’s not her name. Blue --


Well, that’s not her name either. Do you even know her name?

JAMISON: Afterwards, as I waited for the train, standing on the

train platform, I straddled the yellow caution line, right at the edge, and I stared down into the third rail. And I wondered how much it would hurt.

You can worry about the babies and the fools. But not to draw attention away from yourself. God only protects babies and fools, right?

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JAMISON: --bitten off a little more than I can chew... (A.P. doesn’t respond ) Okay. Let’s be honest. It’s really... none of your business....