Tuesday, July 20, 2021



TheNPLAP, Boston. (Shorten this entire paragraph or find a way to include this info elsewhere…the proposal is a bit long so tighten up where you can)
ALR_TheWriter in collaboration with Food4Art and satellite org GoodCompany, is the premiere of Union | Avenue (,) as an artist funding and exhibition sponsorship initiative. The goal of ‘ALR_’ is to host several reading between February 2017 and August 2017, to showcase and explore the work (what work?)  from every possible angle. (If the previous italicized sentence and the below is taken from their webpage make that more clear) Do you need to list what the ALRs exhibitions are? Maybe make a separate document with all of the things you have listed like the current exhibitions, current showcases, archival
(2017) Fiscal year (Purging network database.)
Benefits of real estate
Websites to visit
Apparel and Sponsorship
Revitalization Mapping
Event planning and promotion
(2017) fiscal year
Program benefits
Event calendar and schedule.
(The beach)
FAQ. (Definition of terms and description of process.)
2009. (Alexander Castillo-Nunez.)
Union | Avenue.
[(Forum) Inner Sanctum]
Admin (Qualifications and Experience)
Our archival team: (commission based)
Presentations, from winter through into the spring seasons, work with community organization
Investors and Funders
1.            Proposals
2.            The Dorchester Community
3.            Donors and Partners.
Intersections in Boston. Why ‘Union | Avenue.’
4.            Our services.
5.            Locations and venues.

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JAMISON: --bitten off a little more than I can chew... (A.P. doesn’t respond ) Okay. Let’s be honest. It’s really... none of your business....